The Student Leadership Program is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for high school students. Students in SLP will have the opportunity to learn more about their community including career opportunities at major businesses and learn important work-ready power skills to earn their dream job and be successful on the job. Students will find the information on this page helpful in understanding what to expect. They will also find resources they can use to become successful in their leadership journey.
SLP Events
Kickoff officially begins the new year of SLP each fall. Kickoff includes a motivational speaker as well as high-energy and interactive workshops and exercises focusing on career exploratory and leadership development growth.
Explore Sessions
Students participate in one Explore Session during the school year at a Metro East business. During Explore Sessions, students tour the hosting business to learn about career opportunities, company culture and educational requirements for specific careers. Students also participate in hands-on workshops focusing on specific work-ready power skills.Year-End Celebration
Year-End Celebration
The SLP Year End Celebration is the official conclusion of the SLP year that includes a keynote speaker, adviser and student awards recognition and SLP Graduation Ceremony for participants.Keys to Success
The Student Leadership Program is hosted in partnership between the Belleville Township High School District 201, the Cahokia Unit School District 187, Gulfstream and businesses and non-profit organizations in the Metro East Saint Louis area. After Explore session Learning Experiences, career and industry tours, and guidance from community and teacher mentors, students will have the keys to success for life after high school and future planning.
SLP Student Commitment
The Student Leadership Program (SLP) is a partnership between Gulfstream and Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools aimed to expose students to career opportunities in Chatham County and develop students’ personal leadership and work-ready skills. Being selected to be in SLP is an honor and privilege. Students admitted to the program will remain in the program throughout their sophomore, junior and senior year of high school as long as they meet the SLP Commitment Requirements. Failure to meet these requirements may result in removal from the program. Students in the program must commit to the following: